Vacuum generators from A to Z
Foundation for efficient and effective vacuum generation
Vacuum, a state in which the pressure is below atmospheric pressure, is achieved using vacuum pumps or ejectors that suck air out of a chamber. The vacuum levels can vary from slightly reduced pressure to extremely low values, depending on the application.
With a wide range of pumps, units, workstations, and liquid separators, Witte provides the foundation for efficient and effective generation of this matter-free space.
The product range includes vacuum pumps of various designs and sizes with suction capacities ranging from around five to well over 1,000 cubic meters per hour.
For generating vacuum for large vacuum clamping plates, so-called central systems consisting of multiple coupled vacuum pumps are used. These are space-savingly arranged horizontally, for example, to supply several production centers equipped with vacuum clamping plates.
The vacuum generation area is completed by manual liquid separators of small, medium, and large capacities, as well as pump/separator combination devices. Additional safety is provided by our automatic liquid separators with a separation capacity of over 100 liters per hour.
All of these systems share user-friendly maintenance, compact design with easy accessibility, and the safety of WITTE’s repair service.